
Please remember that the price of each item reflects the cost of the materials used, and the amount of work involved. Missouri residents must also pay 4.225% state sales tax.

The famous, or infamous, rainbow afghan. $18.75 plus shipping for select people.... ; )
A lightweight diamond filet stitch afghan, measures 52" by 36" and costs $25 plus shipping.
A real heavyweight! This basket stitch afghan measures 44" by 36" and costs $50 plus shipping.

I accept cash, checks, money orders, or credit cards through PayPal. Please email me at with your selections. I'll add shipping, and let you know your total.

Bits & Bobs Crocheted Items Glass-bead Jewelry Hemp Jewelry Semiprecious Stone Jewelry Watches Web Design

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This page and images copyright 2004-2013. Page last updated 18 February 2013.