The Crocheted Items Page Two

Please remember that the price of items reflect the cost of the materials used, and the amount of work involved. Missouri residents must also pay 4.225% state sales tax.

This metallic gold treasure bag measures 2.5" by 3.5" and costs $6.25 plus shipping. It's small enough to jump into a regular envelope, btw....
Another treasure bag, 2.5" by 3", $6.25 plus shipping.
Treasure bag, yatta yatta, 2.75" by 3.25", $6.25 plus shipping.
Yes, yes, you know, 2.5" by 3.25", $6.25 plus shipping.
Ha! Fooled ya! Yes, it's a treasure bag, but a bigger one! 3.5" by 4.25", $8.75 plus shipping.
This one's funky. The variegated thread worked up really neat. 3.5" by 4", $8.75 plus shipping.
Last of the current crop, 3.5" by 4", $8.75 plus shipping.
Just sort of experimented with a clutch-purse style. I've got two of these, 5.5" by 4.75", $8.75 plus shipping.

I accept cash, checks, money orders, or credit cards through PayPal. Please email me at with your selections. I'll add shipping, and let you know your total.

Bits & Bobs Crocheted Items Glass-bead Jewelry Hemp Jewelry Semiprecious Stone Jewelry Watches Web Design

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This page and images copyright 2004-2013. Page last updated 18 February 2013.