The Glass Items Page One

Please remember that the price of each item reflects the cost of the materials used, and the amount of work involved. Missouri residents must also pay 4.225% state sales tax. Most of the metallic elements will show a strange pink or green reflection because my scanner's a little weird these days.

Pale blue and iridized glass beads with a honking cool, three-sided pale orange frost bead. $12.50 plus shipping.
Clear glass beads and rutilated quartz diamonds. Very lightweight! $12.50 plus shipping.
Bracelet of hematite cylinders, clear red beads, and opalized rice-shaped beads. Toggle clasp -- very easy to manage! $5 plus shipping.
Bracelet. Pale blue and iridized glass with a bright orange, transparent accent. $5 plus shipping.
Hemaitite cylinders, opalized rice-shaped beads, a few bright red clear beads, and a really interesting lampwork bead in white with red and black pinstripes. $12.50 plus shipping.
A heavier version of the above. Clear, dark red glass, hematite cylinders, clear glass, and another of those neat lampwork beads. $12.50 plus shipping.

I accept cash, checks, money orders, or credit cards through PayPal. Please email me at with your selections. I'll add shipping, and let you know your total.

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This page and all images copyright 2004-2013. Page last updated 18 February 2013.