The Glass Items Page Five

Please remember that the price of each item reflects the cost of the materials used, and the amount of work involved. Missouri residents must also pay 4.225% state sales tax. Most of the metallic elements will show a strange pink or green reflection because my scanner's a little weird these days.

A lightweight bracelet of copper-lined pale blue faceted beads, braided with two strands of silver-copper-brown glass seed beads. Copper toggle clasp. $12.50 plus shipping.
Peacock bicones and "E" beads. $5 plus shipping.
Whatever happened to Fay... Ray? Hang her around your neck, and you'll never have to ask that question again. There's no clasp, so if you get into a situation where Fay's a little outre, just spin her around up under your hair (or your shirt collar, if you're bald). $12.50 plus shipping.
Very simple green glass lozenges with gold lines. $12.50 plus shipping.
This festive red-hot chili pepper number is great for a lot of holidays: Christmas, Cinco de Mayo, even Chinese New Year if you're into Szechuan! $15 plus shipping.
Another whimsy piece. If you want "art, for pete's sake" or something so weird people will stare at your chest a lot, this is a good choice! The mallard's maybe an inch across, and the cattail head is three whole "E" beads. $15 plus shipping.

I accept cash, checks, money orders, or credit cards through PayPal. Please email me at with your selections. I'll add shipping, and let you know your total.

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This page and images copyright 2004-2013. Page last updated 18 February 2013.