The Watches

Please remember that the price of each item reflects the cost of the materials used, and the amount of work involved. Missouri residents must also pay 4.225% state sales tax. Most of the metallic elements will show a strange pink or green reflection because my scanner's a little weird these days.

Russian charoite and hematite. The watch face is light pink. $25 plus shipping.
6mm red sponge coral and black mother of pearl. $25 plus shipping.
A nice, delicate watch! Thin fluorite rectangles. The watch face is light purple. $25 plus shipping.
Double rows of labradorite with gold glass "E" beads. $25 plus shipping.
A necklace, with the watch hanging upside down, so the wearer can use it! 6mm frosted square blue glass beads. $35 plus shipping.
8mm hematite and howlite, with little silver spacers. This watch matches necklace S_036. If you're into matching stuff.... $25 plus shipping.
Another necklace. It's really a very handy idea. This one is silverleaf jasper, one of my faves, with silver-lined glass beads. $35 plus shipping.
More of the silverleaf jasper, with some funky diamond-shaped spacers and a really cool oval watch face. $35 plus shipping.
Another jasper, though I can't remember which one.... With gold rochaille "E" beads and a lovely gold watch. $35 plus shipping.

I accept cash, checks, money orders, or credit cards through PayPal. Please email me at with your selections. I'll add shipping, and let you know your total.

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This page and all images copyright 2004-2013. Page last updated 18 February 2013.